The DCG® (Dermo Cosmetic Grade trademark) identifies the self-certification that qualifies the highly specialized products of Vevy Europe.
It certifies each product is:
- Designed and manufactured for skin applications, on a scientific basis;
- Tested according to rigorous toxicological and activity protocols;
- Respectful of skin physiology and biochemistry;
- Updated on the basis of scientific progress;
- Compliant with national and international regulations;
- Conceived thinking about its life cycle;
These premises lead to the development and the manufacturing of products which are:
- Safe [absence of harmful effects];
- Effective [compliance with the promised and expected requirements];
- Stable [persistence of the established characteristics];
- Sustainable [respect for environment and human being];
Each product is wrapped by a specialized assistance, which range from its scientific and technical documentation to the qualified support for its proper use.